
24 Nov 2015

Practice Photo Edit

I have taken this photo to edit as it is similar to the kind of image I want to use.

I have decided to put it into black and white (pressing ctrl+shift+u) as some of the colours are distracting and it would look more artistic and moody which are key components of the indie genre.

Then I took care of the person in the background as I would in a final image by using the clone stamp tool to grab the bush texture from the left of the image and paint it over the top of the person. I then used the clone stamp tool again to make the tree look more natural.

Some details of the photo are still distracting from the model so I created a new layer, filled it with a faded dark blue and changed the blending mode to lighten. This dulled the distracting elements and gave the image a more stylised look which I liked.

This is how I will edit the majority if not all of my final images.