The majority of participants chose the 'dark and desaturated' and 'vibrant' options. Therefore I will use a mix of both in my final product.
The participants appear to prefer the serif font. This conforms to what I've learnt from research, that a retro/vintage style is very common in the indie genre. This, along with professionalism and adultness is the feel a serif font connotes.
The mean of this section suggests that most participants regard having the album name and artist name on the cover quite important (6.6).
The majority said that featuring the track list on the CD would not be beneficial, however I think that it would be helpful as if the CD becomes separated from the digipak, one would still be able to see which songs are on the CD.
I agree with my peers that including the track lengths on the track list would not be beneficial.
The mean of this section suggests that most participants think there should be 3 extra songs on a special release album.
The participants say that an image of the artist themselves it preferred for a magazine ad. Perhaps as the audience doesn't want to see images they've seen before. It could also create more of a connection between the audience and artist before the album's release.
As the preference between lyric book and poster are so close, I will make the decision on which to include later down the line.